There and back again

This was one of the neatest state parks that we’ve been to so far. The only access to the park is by your own boat or a very short ferry ride.

“In 1955, a dragline operation recovered a large wooden owl carving from the St. Johns River in the vicinity of the parking lot of Hontoon Island State Park near a burial ground that had been established more than 3,300 years ago.” [Florida State Parks] The Timucua owl totem that was uncovered “is the largest pre-Colombian wood carving found in Florida, and the only totem of its kind in the eastern United States.” [wiki] Replicas of this and a second totem are near the visitors center. (by zanna)


We watched and heard several hawks, woodpeckers and flitty birds. This pileated woodpecker landed somewhat close by. (by zanna)

pileated woodpecker

The nature trail along the west side of the park mostly stays in stands of palm with occasional huge old oaks, all covered in mosses and lichens (both by quoderat)



Before the nature trail ascends a shell midden, a wide hill created by shells discarded by Native Americans which the forest has now grown over the top of, the trail provides a view of the Hontoon Dead River. (by zanna)

river cypress

It remained fairly cold for this region all day, but this lone gemmed satyr hid in a palm frond near us briefly. (by quoderat)

gemmed satyr

One thought on “Hontoon Island State Park

  1. Herb says:

    you know it’s not to late to adopt me !! Very nice pics

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