We found carnivorous plants! Specifically, sundews. Probably pink sundew, though we aren’t really sure. (Photo by quoderat.)
Aren’t they cool? This was at Prairie Pines Preserve today, near Fort Myers. We went there thinking it’d be less crowded on a Sunday as it’s not a real destination for most people — not a state park, no beaches, no swimming holes, and thus no crowds. Perfect for us!
We only ran into a few people on the trail whom we chatted with a bit. The social climate in Fort Myers seems in general more friendly for some reason than we are used to.
Here’s what the preserve looked like for the most part. (Photo by zanna.)
The preserve would be nearly impossible to visit in summer as it’d be very hot. As it was, it got into the low 80s and even at that temperature we were overheating near the end as the sun got brighter.
One of the people we passed said the preserve was devoid of wildlife. However we saw hundreds of birds — including at least two bluebirds and a dozen woodpeckers — and all sorts of plants and butterflies. I will sound like Yoda a bit perhaps, but many people look but do not see. (Photo by zanna.)
This is one of the many skippers we spotted. Species unknown. They are very hard to identify. (Photo by quoderat.)
Tomorrow we will probably head out to look at some birds of prey being rehabilitated and a few other adventures.